Aftercare Instructions
For Tattoos and Piercings
It always our recommendation to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your artist. Each artist may have their own aftercare preferences based on their style. They may also provide personalized aftercare instructions following the tattoo service.
-In the first 24 hours, there may be a build-up of plasma under the bandage. This is completely normal.
-If the seal of the bandage breaks, remove it and begin regular aftercare (instructions in step 2)
-If the bandage remains sealed around your tattoo, keep it on for two to four days.
-Once you remove your SecondSkin bandage, keep your tattoo clean and begin regular aftercare.
-Peel up an edge or corner of SecondSkin. If this proves difficult, you can attach medical tape to the corner of the film to help lift it. Slowly pull the film off. Do not pull it straight up away from the skin. Instead, pull the film back and across the skin while holding your skin taut.
-You may experience some redness around the tattoo where SecondSkin was applied to the un-tattooed skin. This is also completely normal and may occur with any type of medical adhesive. If you do develop an adverse reaction on the tattoo, discontinue use immediately.
STEP 2 | After you remove your Second Skin bandage:
-Wash with liquid mild soap like Dr. Bronners mild Castile soap until it doesn't feel goopy (this helps prevent heavy scabbing)
-Air dry or use a clean paper towel to pat dry
-Do not re-bandage
First morning post Second Skin:
- Wash again with liquid mild soap and let dry
-LIGHTLY moisturize with hustle butter, Aquaphor, or coconut oil (use it like ChapStick, slathering suffocates your tattoo)
First night Post Second Skin, and the next few days:
-Wash with liquid soap and moisturize with hustle butter, Aquaphor or coconut oil until the tattoo feels like normal skin again (typically 7-14 days)
Important things to remember during the healing process:
-Keep it clean and lightly moisturized
-DO NOT go tanning or expose to direct sunlight
-DO NOT soak in water (showers are ok, baths, swimming and hot tubs are not)
-DO NOT scratch or pick - the tattoo will be flaky, itchy and peel while healing. Let it do it's thing and don't hurry the process
Two Hours after appointment:
-Remove bandage
-Wash with liquid mild soap like Dr. Bronners mild Castile soap until it doesn't feel goopy (this helps prevent heavy scabbing)
-Air dry or use a clean paper towel to pat dry
-Do not re-bandage
Next morning:
-Wash again with liquid mild soap and let dry
-LIGHTLY moisturize with Hustle Butter, Aquaphor, or coconut oil (use it like ChapStick, slathering suffocates your tattoo)
Next night and the next few days:
-Wash again with liquid mild soap and moisturize with Hustle Butter, Aquaphor or coconut oil until the tattoo feels like normal skin again (typically 7-14 days)
Important things to remember during healing process:
-Keep it clean and lightly moisturized
-DO NOT go tanning or expose to direct sunlight
-DO NOT soak in water (showers are ok, baths, swimming, and hot tubs are not)
-DO NOT scratch or pick - the tattoo will be flaky, itchy and peel while healing. Let it do it's thing and don't hurry the process
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call or email, we're happy to help!
Skin City 503.624.1719 skincity@hotmail.com
It is important to consider your plans for the days leading up to, and the weeks following your tattoo appointment. Common lifestyle experiences like taking pain relievers the day of, drinking alcohol the night before, or spending excessive time out in the sun can impact your tattoo. If you have questions about how your plans might impact your tattoo appointment or the healing process, please reach out to us. We are always happy to help.
Quite el vendaje después de 2 horas. Puede dejarlo por más tiempo, pero no por menos. Si el vendaje se pega a la piel, remoje con agua antes de quitar el vendaje para no remover la tinta. Si tiene sensibilidad a la cinta, limpie solamente el área donde la cinta estaba, use un toalla con alcohol (Esto le ayudará a remover el adhesivo de la cinta y hará que al quitar la cinta menos dolorosa y minimizara las posibilidades de dañar la piel
Lavar el tatuaje con un jabón líquido anti-bacterial. Lave con agua tibia (casi fría) para ayudar a calmar la quemada. Seque despacio con una toalla de papel limpia.
Deje que el tatuaje nuevo seque por 1-2 días antes de aplicar la pomada (crema). No espere a que el tatuaje empieze a formaR costra; esto ayudara el proceso de curación. De todas maneras es muy importante que lave el tatuaje regularmente. Evite que el tatuaje se ponga muy mojado y recuerde de secarlo suavemente.
Cuando sea tiempo de aplicar la pomada (crema) nosotros sugerimos la marca Aquaphor de Eucerne (se puede encontrar en la sección de lociones)
Las pomadas y cremas deben de ser aplicadas uniformemente con una capa muy delgada por lo menos dos veces al día o más si es necesario. Este procedimiento debe seguirse hasta que la piel se sienta normal, típicamente entre 7 a 14 días.
Cosas importantes que se deben recordar mientras el TATUAJE se está curando:
NO: se ponga directamente a la luz solar, o bajo a las cámaras de bronceo
NO: Ponga a remojar el tatuaje en agua. (No baño de tina, no piscina (alberca), no mares, no ríos, no lagos).
NO: se rasqué o maltrate el tatuaje, pues le producirá cicatriz
SI: Use su sentido común y mantenga el tatuaje limpio y húmedo con la pomada.
Acaba de recibir un tatuaje por un artista entrenado. Ahora depende de usted tomar el cuidado apropiado de su tatuaje durante el periodo crítico de cicatrización.
Si usted tiene alguna pregunta o comentario durante la curación de su tatuaje, por favor póngase en contacto con su tatuador licenciado.
Piercing Aftercare
Each part of the body heals differently and can experience different complications during the healing process. The most important thing to remember is to give your body the time it needs to heal. Your lifestyle choices before and after your piercing can have a lasting impact on your experience and your piercing. It is important to follow the instructions given by your piercer in order to avoid piercing rejection, infection and excessive irritation.
DO NOT use ANY product marked “For External Use Only” including, but not limited to, rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, lidocaine (e.g. Bactine), triple antibiotic ointment (e.g. Neosporin), antiseptic (e.g. Betadine/Hibiclens etc.).
Use products that will not irritate the piercing and will facilitate fast healing, such as:
A packaged sterile saline solution with NO additives. This is commonly called “Wound Wash” when found at the drugstore.
Wash your hands before cleaning your piercing! Use the cleaning solution(s) recommended for your piercing for the *entire* healing time. Do this even if the piercing looks or feels healed sooner.
Saturate a q-tip
Do not move the piercing jewelry when the site is crusty; it does more harm to the piercing site than good. Do not play with the new piercing, physical irritation is the worst!When clothing is in contact with the piercing, make sure it is clean and loose.